Monday 16 November 2009

First Firebrand Gig in 2 Years

It went great! I was nervous as hell mind, I mean proper 'pacing, biting my nails, praying nervous.'

It's strange though, as soon as we kicked in to what has been described as the 'relentless, wirey dance-punk' of You Know, You Know, it felt like no time had passed, like we'd played the night before, not 2 years ago. We carried on through signature choons Hurricane and Where's Your Style? before playing old favourite It's Prehistoric! off the first EP Nervous Disposition, from all the way back in 2006. Crowd abuse came next with the exclamation 'no drunk bitches!' before steaming through two songs from our aborted 2nd EP, Modern Day Hero and As The Credits Roll. Slow song Lose The Grace was dedicated 'to absent friends' before closing with our only single The Morning After, ending drenched in feedback with a broken bass hanging off my person.

It was a great low-key gig, people enjoyed it and all the bands were cracking, it was the perfect way to get back into it slowly, our way of saying 'Hi, we're The Firebrand remember us?'


Our 'reunion run' will take us to a few more places, it'll be nice to get out there and show these damm kids that two years ago when we were on our game, you'd need to be on form because we were unstoppable. Nothing has changed. I'm going to look forward to playing with the bands who's members we were playing to back in 06/07.

We three broken-down has-beens have still got quite a bit to prove, trust me.

The run of gigs will hopefully last up until March 2010, expect new songs, drama and violence. It has been christened with a relevant name in respect of this.

'Paining/Roaring: 2009/10'. I'm going to have blood on my hands and bad thoughts in my head. Would you expect anything less?

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Lover - The New Statues Single

Good day to you all.

I am pleased to announce that following the free download of 'Kill The Body And The Head Will Die' (join the Clay Statues Facebook group to nab it) taken off the forthcoming Statues EP Eastern Bloc Winter, here's the details of the very limited edition NEW SINGLE!!!!!

We will be releasing Lover, on October 31st...AND ONLY ON OCTOBER 31st!!! As an old school homage to the first EP and Compilation it'll be a limited run of 30 copies all numbered with hand-made artwork by the band and with EXCLUSIVE B-sides!!

The track-listing is as follows:

1. Lover
2. Miss World 1974
3. Taking Control (Dischordance cover)

It'll be special and it'll make you feel good!

Sunday 13 September 2009

A Promise

I ain't no fucking drama queen.

But when I say this, accept in your own mind that these are my own thoughts, and you couldn't possibly understand what goes on in there.

Just come to terms with it.

There's a band from round these parts, who've entered a competition and have got to the final four. There's a lot riding on this, and they could come out the other side with their lives changed.

I can't stand for this, no way. Not when there are hard working, incredibly talented bands who achieve nothing.

I will lose faith in everything I once thought good if this happens, and as a result I will no longer be able to put my heart and soul into what I do, knowing that this type of travesty is going on.

I will give it all up, sell my instruments, never play again, because I simply would not be able to comprehend all of this.

A 1/4 chance of them winning, so that's a 1/4 chance of me giving it all up.

You couldn't possibly understand, babe.

Remember This

If anything happens to me, finish the CD and get it out.

My last will and testament.


Tuesday 4 August 2009

The Firebrand: Re-awakening/Re-imagining/Reunion

This was the band I gave my life for, between June 2006 and November 2007, for 88 live shows, for one released EP, a single and a half released EP. For all the broken fingers, cuts, bruises, broken hearts, and failed relationships.

I gave my heart, my soul, everything. I bled for this band.

We called it a day after battling through recording what should have been our second EP, the songs tell stories of falling apart, bad relationships and loss. We knew it was coming, but we still fought. Ultimately things came to a stop and we just gave it all up, left the 2nd EP to gather dust and moved on.

I told anyone who'd listen that i'd never go back.

I'd never go back.


This brings us to 2009, two whole fucking years since the last gig, the last chord of The Morning After echoing out, drenching the place in feedback, packing up the gear for the last time.

There are still stories to tell, we're still very angry, though in some respects we've mellowed with age. That fucking fire still burns though, and it eats me up inside til I think i'm going to be sick.

That's why we're dusting it off for another show, because of that desire, that burning inside the three of us.

Now more than ever it matters.

Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Davies and Mr. Holmes, like a moth to the flame, baby.

The Firebrand.

Monday 3 August 2009

How 'It' Is

I am aching now, falling asleep but still thinking, still wandering and meandering through whatever path i've created.

I wrote a song about how I feel, i called it 'Lover'. 'Simple', I said. No joke titles. It's about a girl, some would say a love song - if you can believe that a Clay Statue can write one of those.

'I prefer the luxury of holding my hands up above the flames...'

I sang that with all my passion, about this girl, memories in my head of being underneath a swelling sky, black turning to blue, that feeling of dew upon your clothes from the night before, she feels like a part of you now, wrapped in an embrace they used to write poetry about, smiling, not saying anything but deep in conversation, noticing how the increasing light plays tricks on your mind, convincing you that you've noticed something you've never noticed before.

After you've felt that, waking up in a bed just isn't enough.

'Wake up with my lover (calm now), almost managed to forget myself...'

An aching in my bones now, lonely after only 3 hours alone, I can't think straight.

'If i'm lost then stay with me...'

Just say what you wanted to say....

Saturday 6 June 2009

Vile Fuckers

I'm going to be angry again. I've decided I'm so utterly fucked off by people these days, and the only way to get back a sense of 'person' is to get it all out.

Fuck you! No fucking more, you vile, worthless piece of skin.

It's all about other people though, isn't it? (Yes) I am so sick of this 'pat on the back' musical culture. Last night I had the chance to go and see some bands, but I didn't because I'd still be digging the hole to put the bodies in this morning.

I'm at six's and seven's with other peoples self worth. Then they say this...

"We are the best and most talented band to ever come out of this valley"

Without any sarcasm.

Say what you little fucker? How dare you have the gall to disrespect everything that has come before you with such a preposterous, ANGER-inducing statement. Cunt.

You will never better the people who came before you, it's because of those people you have a place to play. I'm not talking about me and my friends; I'm talking about the Pilotfish's, the Sserotonin's, the Wiccaman's, the Squeezebox's. You think that your shitty, fucking keyboard-friendly-girls-dancing-scene-bopping-16-17 year old filth betters this.

You will be gone in the blink of an eye you cunt. People won't remember your songs when they've grown older and had children. They'll never make a fucking film about you.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

In Memory

I'm writing with a heavy heart, the phone rang this morning and the voice told me my uncle had died.

I'm going to come to terms with it in my own time, he was everything to me.

He was diagnosed with Motor Neurone only last week, I'm thankful that he didn't have to go to the depths of suffering assosciated with that horrible disease. He had made his peace, he didn't have the strength to fight that.

To try and capture in words what he meant to me would be a useless exercise, I cannot describe the love I had for him. He was caring, kind, supportive and a gentleman. There is a hole now, there is a hole.

A memory I hold dear was the night we took our families over to The Pop Factory when my old band The Firebrand were playing a battle of the bands. My Uncle and Auntie stuck out like sore thumbs, so much so that a drunken teenager staggered over and said, 'I'm not being rude, but what are you doing here?!'. Upon being told they were supporting one of the bands he shook their hands and gave my Auntie a kiss. Later on in the night, my Uncle was waiting at the bar where the queue was about six deep and that same boy that had asked him what he was doing there saw him and opened up the queue, telling everyone, 'C'mon boys have some respect!' just so my Uncle didn't have to wait around.

I am going to miss him everyday.

April 14th, 2009: The day my world crashed down around me.

God bless Raymond Luker.

Friday 20 March 2009


Sounds serious? That's because it is.

"We're angry people, and it's the perfect time to be angry.
We are poets, hungry mouths and bleeding hearts.
One night stands and two day parties
Listening to our old friends fuck through the walls.

So it's the perfect time to be angry.
Just don't hate me, alright?
I'm not leaving the house.
Indian Summers and Easten Bloc Winters.
Indian Summers and Eastern Bloc Winters.
Keep warm by burning your diaries, your old books
And your photographs.
We can run away and find spring on the other side of the world..."


Sunday 22 February 2009

Clay Statues: My Bush In The Life Of Ghosts

The machine rolls on.

We're picking up the pieces of Clay (Statues), and getting our hides in gear to record.

Songs are written, i've been looking at cover art, i even have a title...


'Eastern Bloc Winter'

It's not a jokey title, we went through loads of silly titles for it but this was a lyric from a song that may or may not go on the EP. I liked it, it gave me a sense of something, to me it was 'one of those' titles. I am in love with it.

We've also got a new song ready, the first 'properly written' new song since The Colossus. It's called 'Home' and it's angry as fuck. I find the only time i get properly angry in song-form is when i'm singing about Aberdare. It's a love/hate relationship it seems.

We're gonna get that into the set for out run of gigs in March/April, I can't wait to get out and gig again. It's been a month now, and somtimes I feel like i'm going to go out of my head with the type of anger that can only be banished by standing on a stage and shouting at strangers.

We've also got a party on the go for Mavis' birthday, we've roped in our favourite bands: Henry's Funeral Shoe, The Nukes and Sicknote. These are the bands I couldn't live without, they're mates as well as peers. It's gonna be amazing stepping up to that challenge.

All Hail Rock And Roll!!

Tuesday 3 February 2009


So we've had snow.

Snowy snowy snow.

Fluffy, white snow.


It's fucking snow, for the love of God!

But yet it's being spoken about in hushed tones, like the coming of the apocalypse. All this talk of the poor chap driving home from work who crashed and died, well I'm sorry but this berk was driving 60 M.P.H. on hazardous, icy roads. He had it coming.


Thursday 29 January 2009

Bon Iver

I usually hate acoustic, singer songwriter reeks of 'pat-yourself-on-the-back' bullshit, but I have fallen head over heels in love with Bon Iver.

I don't mind admitting that if someone puts 'Skinny Love' on i'll be a crying, shaking mess by the end of the song, as i'm writing this i'm listening to his new Blood Bank EP, and it's making me quite emotional. But there's a hopefulness about it all, a sort of 'cry now but it's gonna be alright, don't worry'.

The first time I heard him on Jools Holland last year, I was fixated, mesmerised by this cut-up soul - who looked very much the mountain man - playing the most tender song. That was Skinny Love, and it makes me weep like a small child.

The Battle Of Cwmaman Hall

4 songs in. lights came up. fuck it. carry on. blast through the colossus. somebody is smoking inside. microphones go off. bar staff complain. fuck them. this is dangerous. builth wells with no vocals. old lady tries to stop mavis hitting the drums. very phoenix nights. owen mans the power supply. noise. life. thrashing. promise of an encore. angry faces of bar staff. there's no warmth where the body lies. feedback. raunchy. guitar porn. smiles. not alone. could carry on all night. microphone stands on the floor. broken glass on the floor. bass guitar sounds like a night time air raid. screaming. chaos. end.

Who The Hell Am I?

Who am I?!

It's a fine question, and something I will attempt to answer. Please forgive me if I balls this up though.
My name is Dorian Richard Holmes, some people call me Dorian, most call me Doz.

"Hello Doz."

I've decided to document what is happening with the band mainly, because at the moment things are quite exciting...but first, I must explain what came first.

1987: I was born on July 1st, to Lisa & Mark Holmes. Nothing notable happened for some years.
2000: On a random shopping trip to Cardiff, I bought 4 CD's...The Offspring 'Smash', Motorhead 'Overkill', Weezer 'Blue Album' and Kiss 'Destroyer'...

2002: I went to my first RAWK gig...Motorhead at Newport Centre, i still believe this permanently damaged my hearing. Started playing Bass Guitar.

2003: On January 31 I played my first gig with my very first band, Tick Box Here. We weren't very good but we were the only band to play covers of songs by The Pixies. We played on our own little scene with bands like Artificial Infection (ex-Spoonfed), Emend The Outrage, Polythene, Downturn and Frankie's Favourite People. We pretty much played exclusively at The Mount Pleasant in Aberdare. By the end of the year The Shot & Shell had started doing gigs. There was a banging scene going on. I had also joined another band, Souldriver.

2004: Tick Box Here split up on Valentine's Day, though would continue to play acoustic open mic nights for the rest of the year. I was relegated to just playing bass in Souldriver, so formed a grungey band with Dale Hawkins playing guitar and his cousin Rape Boy on drums, we were called Echopilot and were fucking shocking. But Dale would continue to be a presence in my life for the considerable future. Aberdare's music scene was still rocking in the Shot & Shell.

2005: Tick Box Here stopped doing any sort of gigs. Echopilot split up, then Dale re-started the band with other people, and we stopped talking. Souldriver were now my only band, again I was relegated to just playing bass, with the occasional bit of backing. The Shot & Shell stopped doing gigs, so they moved to the inside of a tin can...A.K.A. The Black Lion.

2006: I grew some balls. Completely tired of doing shit all with Souldriver I quit and started a new band, The Firebrand, with Dale Hawkins and my best mate, Mavis. I sung and played bass, we were disco-ish and grungey and punky..people seemed to like us. In October we were on the front page of the Aberdare Leader, it was strange.

2007: The Firebrand were going cool, we were doing cool gigs and had some awesome songs and an amazing EP. It never really took off with people. A week after recording our second EP in October we called it a day. The EP was never released...Mavis and I were completely gutted. We decided to start a new band, and begun writing songs as a two-piece whilst trying to find a guitarist. Wrote a groovy little number called Droids. Decided to not find a guitarist and become a two-piece. Recorded 3 songs in Burky's bedroom in Swansea, which was fun. Five days before Christmas we did our first gig at The Glandover, courtesy of Bronwen Davies.

2008: We buggered about for a few months, during which I became good friends with Boyd Clack. We recorded our first EP in February 'When I Was Your Age Pluto Was Still A Planet'. On April 18th we did a random gig in Dempseys in Cardiff. Out of the 5 people there, two happened to be Doghouse & Flapsandwich from Sicknote. They loved us, and invited us to play another gig that night at the very last Club With No Name gig. We joined Tantrum Records in the summer and played Workhouse Festival four days after my 21st birthday. With the Tantrum crew 100% behind us we soldiered triumphantly to the end of the year, supporting Jubilee in August, playing a bonkers opening night in Sub29 in November and a mad homecoming gig with Henry's Funeral Shoe and the reformed Serotonin on Christmas Eve.

That's me and my band history, I haven't got my first Bass 'Guitar 'cos I destroyed it at a Mount Pleasant gig. And I still fucking love Motorhead and Kiss...